segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2018

Biblical Reflection. Faith, Love and Courage(Mark,1, 40-45)


Antoni BigCuore*

Date: 11.02.2018, Sunday, 10.18
Location: Brazil,São Paulo,S.P.

The evangelist Mark tells us in today's gospel that a LEPROSY came close to Jesus and on his knees begs him to be healed. The Master, as always happens, acceded to the leper's request and restored his dignity, healing him from his evil.

"I WANT: IT IS CURED" (v. 41)

By way of illustration, we should note that at the time of Jesus, by the Law of Moses, the leper was seen as a curse of God, for leprosy was a terrible disease (like cancer in modern times or aids).
To corroborate what we have said, we transcribe the 13th chapter of the Book of Leviticus: "Whosoever is a leper, let him walk in his clothes torn and unkempt, beard covered and shouting," Unclean, impure! " He will be unclean for the duration of his illness. He will live apart and live outside the camp. " (cf. Paulinas Bible,edição pastoral, page 129).

It should be noted that in most of Jesus' cures he expects the manifestation of the sick. Jesus respects free will !. It only acts when prompted! Jesus was not MAGIC !.

"He had the initiative and the courage to seek the Master for himself, showing that, instead of conforming to being considered a curse, he really wanted to be the subject of his own story. And it was. And in his request he expressed his faith: the certainty that Jesus had the power to purify him, to free him from sickness and social exclusion. " (cf. Daily Liturgy, Paulus Publishing House, February / 18, 49)

Leprosy was then a disease regarded as PUNISHMENT OF GOD !. Haha!
God does not punish anyone! The human being, generally by the misuse of free will creates situations that make him suffer. Partly because of the selfishness of the human being himself.
It is a relation of CAUSE and EFFECT.

Obviously there are things that happen in our lives that we have no explanation for. It is the action of imponderable !. But many sufferings are created by the human being himself.
Let's look at Brazil's current case. Irresponsibilities created by politicians, in acts of corruption, have led to the greatest CRISIS that the country has ever had! Note that, in this case, human egoism has led millions and millions of Brazilians to lose their jobs (13 million unemployed!). Note the cause and effect relationship. Every decision generates a result in the future: good or bad, according to the decision made!

Jesus, breaks paradigms and heals a Leper. He loves him deeply and gives him back his dignity. The Jews of the time understood nothing of this. They adhered to a religion that was merely RITUALIST and was an instrument of political manipulation of their elites (Pharisees, masters of law, etc.)
Let us pray to God for our lives to be guided by the true love of God which respects everyone regardless of social class.

Let it come down upon You and all your family, the Blessing, of the infinitely Merciful God, Who is + Father, + Son and + Holy Spirit, Amen!

(*) author is a writer and propagator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Know his Blog Bem Viver Brazil - and its poetic and philosophical link:
Tool: Google tradutor.

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