sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

Pleasure For Pace (message)

Antoni BigCuore *

Date: 31.12.2016
Time: 10:06 am, Saturday
Location: São Paulo, SP., Brazil


Every human being longs for peace !. But he looks for it in the absence of wars. Pope Paul VI, in one of his encyclicals says that peace does not mean the absence of wars, but it is the new synonym of development.

Peace, above all, is born in the heart of the human being. If he lives in COMMUNION with God, he grants him peace that dwells in his heart. The heart turned to the Project of God receives the spiritual sap emanated from the Holy Spirit of God, which moves him to the things above.

The human being is SELFISH and stingy when the Lord's teachings do not dwell in his heart. Consequently, the evil spirit takes charge of its mind and, this, acts according to the will of Evil.

Man and woman are endowed with free will. Bad choices, bad results. Good choices, good results. It just depends on us. God created us free for loving !. We are free to love, and when we do not love, we are led by sin. We become easy prey to the Maligne. When we sin our freedom becomes tarnished and distress and restlessness take over our soul and heart!

                                                          GOD IS LOVE!

The First Letter of John says, verse 9: "If we confess or sins, we are faith and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 10.If we say that we have sinned, we make him To liar, and his word is not in us. " (Cf. Holy Bible, Kim James Version, page 966)

"If we say that we have no sin, we are liars, and the Word of God is not in us." "If we confess our sins, he is just and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Let's make the purpose of CHANGING LIFE for the coming year! God is love and His love is infinitely merciful! Choose the best !.

I wish You, my reader or reader of BLOG BEM VIVER BRAZIL, wishes for a New Year full of new HOPES; Of new projects and achievements.

Blessings of health, peace, prosperity, harmony, light and much joy in your hearts and all your relatives!


(*) Author is Friend of Good and Discloser of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole planet. Access and publish his BLOG WELL LIVING BRAZIL - antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (self-knowledge, spirituality and healthy life). BE HAPPY! YOU DESERVE!
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