sábado, 27 de junho de 2015

Sunday Gospel, 2.015/06/28 - II

Author: Antoni BigCuore *

Text Date: 23/08/2014, Saturday at 12:17 hours
(Sp.sp., 22.02.2013, 6th show at 15.45 hrs.) (Amended 23/08/2014)
The Gospel of this Sunday (28/6/2015), according to Catholic Christian liturgy, is expected in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16, verses 13-20.At Caesarea Philippi, the Master Jesus asks his disciples: "Who do men say that the Son of Man?". They said, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."He asked them, "But who do you say I am?". 

Simon Peter answered and said: "YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD" (emphasis added). Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. " (1)-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------A.BigCuore reflection: the Evangelist text, it becomes clear what is the church of Christ, whose head began with Pedro !!!On this rock I will build MY CHURCH, says the Master Jesus, that is, the ONLY church. The definite article "A", makes it clear that !.We are not here interested in creating controversy and not discuss religion, just to clarify that the ONLY church (biblically) continuer of the apostles is a Catholic Christian. But this does not void the other Christian denominations. Most important of all, it is to be DISCIPLES OF JESUS!
That is, PRACTICE everything he taught through his words be entered in the Gospels saints.Our LOVE CAPACITY is what will save us! Which is nothing more than being baptized and have faith in Jesus and, of course, in everyday life, have attitudes, concrete acts of love of neighbor. (. Ex friend said a word at the right time, a hug, a kiss, demonstration of solidarity, especially in times of suffering, charity etc. etc.)

For the text, it is clear that as Jesus was passing a PROXY Peter to take care of his flock, when He ascended to heaven, with the later coming of the Holy Spirit, who guides the church today.The Catholic Church as the Mystical Body of Christ, is perfect, holy and immaculate !. Since the hierarchical church is made up of men; and men are flawed. See, at the moment, what's going on. Pope Benedict XVI, resigned because he felt that some cardinals groups were creating large "resistance" to his pastoral administration and temporal well. And in view of his advanced age already, he chose courageously and humbly by the resignation, as provided for in Article 332, paragraph 2, of the Code of Canon Law, drafted by himself then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Pope John Paul II time.

EVERYTHING PASSES. REMAINS ONLY GOD !. The Catholic Church, throughout history has gone through several crises and has never been and will never be destroyed, as she is guided by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit who proceeds from the Heavenly Father and the Son Jesus Christ, the Word (word) incarnate . It was endorsed by Jesus when himself, in the above text says that "... the gates of hell will never prevail against it."

God bless us all Christians and non-Christians for the best to happen in this world so troubled and full of violence !. Peace begins in the human heart, let us not forget it !.GOD IS FOREVER praised and glorified, IN HIS SON JESUS ​​NAME! Amen!PSALM OF THE DAY: 19 (18) - Synopsis: "8th law of the Lord is perfect, a rest for the soul. The testimony of Yahweh is firm instruction to the ignorant. 9th precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is clear, it is LIGHT EYE. "

Comment of A. BigCuore: This psalm is an exaltation of God's created order. Psalm of wisdom style, very beautiful and appropriate to make the "Lectio Divina" (prayerful reading of the word) in groups.A happy and holy Sunday to all (as) !. Grace and blessings of health, peace and joy in their hearts!

Source: (1) - Jerusalem Bible, Paulus Publisher, p. 1869/870.(02) Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, pg. 688/689.

(*) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the entire planet. Access your evangelizing blogs: WELL LIVE BLOG - http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (Portuguese and English) and his poetic and philosophical link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore - São Paulo, Brazil.
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