sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2015

Gospel Day Sunday 2.015,03,01

Date: 27/02/15, 6th fair at 10.39 hours.

By Antoni BigCuore*GOSPEL ACCORDING MARCOS, Chapter 9, 1-13


               "7 This is my beloved Son. Listen to what He says. "In the previous chapter to this, Jesus tells the disciples that He would suffer greatly and die, but the third day he would rise. Peter did not understand and was almost indignant and said to the Master, calling him aside, and rebuked him. Jesus said, "33.Fique away from me Satan !. Do not you think the things of God, but the things of men. "

Six days later, he took Peter, James and John, and go up the mountain to pray and talk. "And was transfigured before them His clothes were bright and so white, as no fuller in the world can whiten. 4.Apareceram them Elijah and Moses, conversing with Jesus. 5.Então Peter spoke up and said to Jesus, "Master, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents:. One for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah "6.Pedro not know what to say; they were very afraid. 7.Então was a cloud and covered them with its shadow. And the cloud came a voice: "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON. LISTEN WHAT HE SAYS! ". 8. And suddenly they looked around and did not see anyone else, except Jesus alone with them. "(1)

REFLECTION OF MR BIGCUORE: undoubtedly one of the most beautiful passages of the Holy Gospel. Jesus performs the pre-FIGURATION his resurrection !. Appears to them in an ineffable manner, with a body (as appears) transfigured; a glorified body, just like him who in the Resurrection, appears to Mary Magdalene.

Peter was astonished. Knew nothing of what was happening. They were ecstatic !.There is also an interesting thing in the text. Moses and Elijah represent the Old Testament and Peter and James, the New Testament. In this fact the turning point is clear. He is GREATER than Moses and all the prophets, representing the text by the prophet Elijah, who also conducted wonders in his time.

LECTIO  DIVINA. Peter was in the "comfort zone" and wanted to build three tents to stay there, because it should be very pleasurable next to the Master.Question: Christians and we, today, as we go out of our comfort zone? From our ritualistic religion, bureaucratic, our individualistic spirituality?

Let us take this time of Lent, to do a review of our lives. Check if we are really having CHRISTIANS ATTITUDES  in our daily lives. If we are giving GOOD EXAMPLE, in the family, at work and at school.Lent is a time of conversion !. Namely, change life for the better!

Source: (1) - Pauline Bible, pastoral edition, page 1,293 / 94.(*) The author is a writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Know Your Blog Good Life - Blog Bem Viver - HTTP://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his poetic and philosophical link: WWW.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore

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