sábado, 15 de novembro de 2014

Medicine, Healing And Spirituality


Author: Antoni BigCuore *
Date: 10/11/2014
Time: 11.40 pm, 2nd Tuesday, SP.sp.

Health magazine, Editora Abril Cultural, in its issue 371, December 2013, brings a matter of capital importance for medicine and the general public, which is entitled: "THE REMEDY IS IN FAITH".
Says at one point that "Medicine and spirituality have been separated in the past century, but in recent years, science itself is trying to reunite them," contextualizes the psychologist Ezra Vasconcellos, a professor at the University of São Paulo. There is evidence that spiritual people are more long-lived, have less psychological distress, suffer fewer infections ... and are less prone to heart attacks. Reason enough for the Brazilian Society of Cardiology create your Spirituality Study Group and Cardiovascular Medicine (Gemca). "We have no doubt that faith contributes to health. We want to understand better now how far will its effects and how it provides them, "says cardiologist Mario Borba, scientific director of the project."

"Being spiritual does not necessarily follow a religion. It is above all, believe in something intangible and that can even be inside you like ---- HOPE that doing good is naturally rewarded us. "
"From this perspective a brand new review of scientific work sheds light on the impact of having a religious belief or adopt habits on the cardiovascular system.
"Based on more than 3,200 studies, the cardiologist FERNANDO Luchese, the Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences HAROLD KOENIG, Duke University, US, analyzed the issue from the perspective of risk factors and physiological mechanisms involved in the infarction.

"There is a direct relationship between spirituality and higher rates of physical activity, balanced eating, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages," Luchese account. A spiritual life seems to serve as an engine of good habits. According to the article, or religious people who seek self-knowledge and strength in something greater are less exposed to virtually all conditions that threaten the chest, such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and sedentary lifestyle.
"Individuals who seek the transcendent are also better protected against stress and depression, major cardiac risk factors, reinforces the cardiologist Ney Carter do Carmo Borges, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo State."

"The blacklist contemplated by the magazine, there was only one exception: obsidade. But why the hell are people of faith tend to put on weight? "Many religions encourage social interaction around calorie feasting and gluttony see more condescendingly," speculates KOENIG, considered one of the popes in the field of medicine and spirituality. Now faith is one of the pieces that make up a healthy routine ---- but no use to pray every night and live delivered to the couch and overeating. These are sins that the heart does not forgive. "

The report further says, page 26: "In reviewing signed by Lucchese and Koenig, experts discuss the major physiological effects of faith on the arteries. "Spirituality operates in the interaction between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. It is associated, for example, lower levels of inflammatory chemicals involved in the process that leads to heart attack, "says Luchese. Works like a chain reaction, properly balanced, the brain would decrease the emission of signals via hormones that ultimately result in contracted and inflamed vessels. "


A. BIGCUORE REFLECTION: I am not a doctor, but I like to study, how to self-taught medicine in tune with spirituality. So I created my thesis I call homeostatic BALANCE OF PERSONALITY, article published in the Letters and Nook in my BLOG LIVE WELL. (see address at the bottom).
Based on the ancient principle of Chinese medicine considers the human being INTEGRAL way, namely, SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY. Can not be distinguished from each other.

In summary, I say in my thesis that combine in himself the spiritual factors, physical and emotional humans get, he gets the true BALANCE that leads to true happiness !.

My thesis in a nutshell is: SELF, SPIRITUALITY AND HEALTHY LIFE. I think spirituality the most important factor because it is based on faith; and faith, Dr.KOENIG, Duke University has proven that improves the immune system, cardiovascular etc ;, activating the Pineal gland, which releases hormones called positive: ENDORFINAS, serotonin, dopamine, etc., which promote balance and wellness in the human body.

Should discern the meanings of words Spirituality and Religiosity. The spirituality measures the relationship of "I" with the transcendent, that is, she is moved by the HOPE that there is "Something Higher" to it. A person can PRAY daily, without necessarily being religious. Spirituality is living in the spirit and the spirit.

While RELIGIOSITY assumes you follow a specific religion, which necessarily imply DOCTRINE follow it preaches to its followers. Example: Christian Religion; The Buddhist religion, Religion Islamic, Jewish etc.

Between ourselves, I related above all about the story of Health magazine, is not new in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the Master of all Masters, as in the Gospel of Mark, makes several healings by the power of his faith and the faith that people had in him.
Let us see some examples. Gospel of Mark chapter 1, 34: "And he (Jesus) healed many sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons." (1)

The Healing of a Paralytic. "Chapter 2: 3:" They came bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four men. 4How could not approach because of the crowd, the ceiling opened up to the place where he was, and seeing their faith said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven" (2)..

Now after many years, medical science has decided to get serious about Religiosity and Spirituality. I particularly practical Religiosity and Spirituality for over 50 years and I can say without fear of contradiction, that it only brings benefits to both physical health and emotional and spiritual. It's worth persevering in spiritual goods. The Bible is the most spectacular book that God created and inspired his prophets to write it faithfully !.

Below is that article I wrote Nook Portal LETTERS, on 25 February 2007 and amended on 11 June 2013. Any resemblance is purely coincidental !.
Source: (1 and 2) - the Jerusalem Bible, pg.1.899, Paulus Editora, SP, SP
Health magazine, Abril Cultural, number 371, December 2013.

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