quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014



Antoni BigCuore*

(Brasill, SP, Sp, 17.06.2014, 3rd Friday at 10.35 hours)

If I were someone with influence in Brazilian politics, would propose the following ideas to make a better Brazil:

0.1. SHOCK MANAGEMENT IN BRAZILIAN STATE. You must be a cutting administrative reform, the flesh of the government, 50% (fifty percent) of the costs, particularly the cost of the call and commissioned positions;

0.2. RADICAL REFORM POLICY. I would propose a referendum on the introduction of parliamentarism with Voting District. But before we end the "spree" of facilities to create a political party. Freakish!. There, in Brazil, 35 and 29 regularized ongoing parties, according to an interview of the eminent Governor of the State of São Paulo, Dr.GERALDO Alkimin, some 15 days ago, the Youth Radio Pan These "parties" rent when approved by TSE shall receive public money from party fund, money that comes out of the pocket of the Brazilian people. And as if this were not enough, then "lease price of gold", the second entitled for large parties, in free airtime on television.

MY PROPOSAL: could exist only 6 parties. 2 trend right; 2 center and 2 left. MANDATORY PARTY LOYALTY. And the politician who wanted to switch parties, could only do so after 7 years in the same party.Reelection: the political right would have only ONE JUST RE-ELECTION!Alter the law of proportionality, benefiting the Southeast, according to the GDP (Gross domestic product) in each region. So would INJUSTICE North and Northeast that proportionally have more representatives in Congress than the South and Southeast regions. (Nothing against Northeastern, just as a matter of constitutional justice).

Why parliamentarism?. Unfortunately our people is not politicized and not able to assess what is parliamentarism. Stresses noted that basically parliamentarism is a regime in which there is the figure of the President, as head of state (is a less-active function) and PRIME MINISTER, chosen by parliament, is responsible for the administration of the State. It is a much more flexible basis than presidentialism. At a certain moment of crisis, parliament dismisses the Prime Minister and chooses another in its place.VOTE OPTIONAL: a democracy is inconceivable compulsory voting. Vote whoever. So, I think there would be an enhancement of citizenship.

NUMBER OF MINISTRIES: there are currently 39 ministries, amazingly!. What do you do? Almost nothing!. It is the policy of "give and take" that is, the government could adopt their projects and as has no majority in Congress, "lots o 'roles and ministries to" honorable "representatives of the Brazilian people. (Increases the cost Brazil ).S.T.F. AND CHOICE OF MINISTERS. Another important thing for Justice. Under current criterion, the President indicating the name of the future Minister of the Supreme Court. With the "Sabbath" in the Senate.

My suggestion would MERITOCRACY by the system, namely, the future minister should have at least 10 years of practicing law as a liberal professional. Then it would be posted in the Brazilian Constitution, the following criterion for choosing ministers: PUBLIC NOTICE through, with the participation of OAB

That being so, the minister would TOTALLY EXEMPT, not having the "tail stuck" with the executive power. He would judge the processes according to their conscience and specific technical knowledge of the law. At the moment, with the output of the eminent jurist, Joaquim Barbosa, the PT will "dominate" the STF and, from what I've noticed, will "relax" the fulfillment of "mensaleiros". It seems to me that new more rational and independent judgment.

0.3. CHANGES IN THE ECONOMY. Become the CENTRAL BANK, INDEPENDENT WRITING!. That so he could manage finances according to the rules of sound financial management, without interference from the government (politicians and physiological) that, especially at election time, increase unnecessary spending and end up encouraging corruption. In any civilized country, (U.S. and Europe), the central banks are formally independent!.Would the REAL PLAN 2, to rescue the first plan that the PT voted against and who is now managing to destroy the foundations of it, which has led to the return of inflation to unbearable levels. The government says that inflation measured by IPCA. is around 6.37% (annualized) but he forgets that food inflation is around 14% (fourteen percent!). And that most of the people spend, on average, 60% or more of their income on food!.

TAX REFORM: super necessary to reduce the so-called INDIRECT taxes (IPI, ICMS, ISS, PIS, COFINS etc.) and increase the income tax, the so-called direct tax. This is fiscally FAIR!. Reduce the current 52 tax, for a maximum of 6 desburocratizaria taxes and requirements for opening and closing companies. Thus diminish the informal activities and end the ill-fated "fiscal war" between the states.

0.4. PUBLIC servants: end the stability (let alone judges, police chiefs, prosecutors, etc.). Who entered after enactment of the law, enter upon this new rule. Former officials would continue with the rights safeguarded.

CONCLUSION: basically it would be. Thus, they would be left RESOURCES for the social area, especially for health and education. Would institute a state policy for health and education. (This means that government goes out government, the basic guidelines of health and education could NOT be modified. (Full-time at all schools to middle level).That being so, the people would be treated as it deserves: with all due respect, it is he who pays the taxes to keep the country running.Call me a "dreamer" but this, I am fully convinced, would improve greatly on the quality of life of the Brazilian people!. May God look at Brazil and inspire our politicians seek to convert and, above all, the common good, as this is the purpose of politics: PROMOTE THE COMMON GOOD!

(*) Author is writer and communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire planet. Access and disclose his Living Well Blog: http:// antonibigcuore.blogspot.com (self, spirituality and healthy life) and his poetic and philosophical link: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore 
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