sábado, 31 de maio de 2014

By Looking Out, What is Best For You Inside?

Antoni BigCuore*
(Brazil,Sao Paulo,SP, 2.014,05,31 May).

Says neuroscientist , Marci Shimoff , The Secret in the book : " Many people in Western culture struggling for success They want the best home , want their business to thrive , they want all these external things But what discover in our research was to have. . these external things does not necessarily guarantee what we really want , which is HAPPINESS . then seek these external things thinking that they will give us happiness , but this is a misconception . you must first seek inner joy , inner peace , inner vision , and then all outside things appear . " ( 1 )

BigCuore ` s Reflection : Jesus, the Master of all masters , tells us in his Gospel that" those who believe in Him , rivers of living water will gush from within. "
Most people confuse happiness with material comforts . The money, for example , brings comfort , acquire material goods , but not necessarily , make us happy .

Happiness truly is the peace that Jesus gave us and gives us the holy sacrament of the Eucharist .
Living is an art , and few know it ! Use material goods with WISDOM , this is the way to be happy and make others happy . The sef never be happy, because he can not think beyond your own navel .
Think about it and you will be happy !

(*)author is Writer in São Paulo,Brazil. Acess his BLOG BEM VIVER - http://antonibigcuore.blogspot.com and his link poetic: www.recantodasletras.com.br/autores/antonibigcuore
(1) The Secret. Ediouro Edition,BRazil, pg. 109/110.


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