sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013



Antoni BigCuore *

( Brazil , SP . , SP . , 06.12.2013 , Saturday 6th at 16.27 hrs . )

Whom shall I fear ? The Lord God is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the stronghold of my life : against whom tremble ?" When the wicked advance against me to devour my flesh , they are my adversaries and foes , they stumbled and fell . 3Que one army encamp against me ! My heart did not tremble ! That a war against me burst ! Still 'll be confident!

" 4An thing I ask of the Lord, and just try this : You dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life , to enjoy the sweetness of the Lord and contemplate his temple." 10Meu father and my mother have forsaken me . But Yahweh , greets me !" 13Espero see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14Espere in Yahweh , be firm ! Strengthen your heart, and trust in the Lord . " ( Psalm 27 (26) (1) .

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BigCuore 's Reflection : My brother and my sister , no matter how big your problem is, how much you are suffering , either physically, emotionally or even financially.No matter . What matters is you BELIEVE that there is solution to your problem , since there is a Loving God is infinitely compassionate and always walking with us ! . He never gives up on us ! . And He wants to help you ( a) to overcome all conflicts , all your worries . But for this, it is imperative you open your heart to Jesus in! It takes you FORGIVE all the people who have hurt you , both your family as strangers. It takes you WANT to change is life! . Giving up many things that the world offers , because they do not lead to true happiness .

True happiness is born a pure heart and feeds the Word of God , and that is , every day, in perfect harmony with God the Father Almighty ! Happiness is simple, and is in the simple things . A gesture of affection , cordiality , kindness , can spruce up your day with the scent of roses and the softness of velvet ! .Jesus says , " I am the way , the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father except through me . He is our light and salvation , whom we fear ?

Note that he does not speak paths , truths or lives . He says , I AM THE WAY , that is, He is the ONLY WAY , THE ONLY TRUE , THE ONLY LIFE ! Amen ? Glory to God forever! Amen , Hallelujah ! God loves you and wants to see it ( a) always happy! He effusion NOW about you and your whole family and the blessings of health, peace , prosperity, harmony , light, and joy in your heart!

( * ) the author is a Christian writer, communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and expert on healthy living . Meet & share his BLOG BEM VIVER -  LIVE WELL - http:/ / and his poetic and philosophical link:

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